IAT Verona

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StreetVia Degli Alpini (Piazza Bra)
Postal Code37100
Telephone+39 045 8068680
Country: Italy

Entries by IAT Verona

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About IAT Verona

Verona, a picturesque city in the northeast of Italy has not only a melodious name but also a UNESCO World heritage to offer. The old part of the city was named World heritage in 2000. The arena of Verona is particularly worth visiting: The so called “L'Arena di Verona” is an old roman amphitheater out of the first century A.D. which was miraculously well preserved and is now still the home of many operas. Just take a walk past the Piazza delle Erbe or the Piazza dei Signori and gaze at the historic palaces whilst enjoying the medieval flair of the city.


The Castelvecchio (Italian for “Old Castle”) that was built between 1354 and 1356 by the Scaliger dynasty and the Castelvecchio Bridge or “Ponte di Castel Vecchio” with its red brick walls and impressive battlements are one of the most prominent examples of Gothic architecture of that time. At the time of completion the bridge was the biggest segmental arch bridge in the world with a total width of close to 49 meters. Inside the Castelvecchio, visitors can marvel at medieval sculptures and typical Veronese art works.

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From the outside, this famous church is very inconspicuous, mostly because its external façade was never completed. On the inside however, the...
Adult €3
21 °C
One of the highlights of the Basilica di San Zeno are the two side wings of the entrance gate. The bronze doors there are the most preserved of the entire...
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21 °C
At the east side of the Piazza Bra, the well-preserved amphitheatre, the Arena of Verona, is located. After the Colosseum in Rom and the Arena of...
Adult €10
Child €1
Sen. €7.50
21 °C


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